Asunaro-net English Page
Asunaro-net is trying to provide useful information to Internet users. Electrical facilities and electronic tools, repair, agriculture, health care and how to make web page, for example, I like to put a variety of information that might help things and my experience was devised in which I live.
Mr. Edison's picture of the Donguri village

Ms.Itano author of the blog The dream road walk draws this picture.
I have not stayed up all night in the study of the school. However, it is absorbed like this picture because of the experiment on the electric circuit and the operation of the personal computer, and there is an experience of staying up all night many times.
As for this picture, they are made to feel admiration to draw to a detailed point by catching the feature in the laboratory well. Thank you. Hereafter, it is a quotation from "The dream road walk".
- The content of this site (drawing, table, photograph, and sentences, etc.) is prohibited to use without permission. The copyright fee is claimed as soon as I find it. Please stop to use without permission at once.
- You must not link directly the image etc.Because this puts a strain in the server.
Editorial policy of web page
- The method of inserting the external file in the page by using PHP for the menu and the advertisement to do web page making and the maintenance easily was adopted.
- The effort to reduce the size of the HTML file even a little was done at the same time as uniting the designs of each page with an external style sheet.
- When the content of the homepage is printed, the advertisement is not printed. Please contact any suggestions me though it would be better to be able to print well.