How to use of the RSS feeding (reader)
When feeding the homepage and the blog is registered in the RSS reader, updated information is understood at once even if neither the homepage nor the blog are visited. It is possible to see promptly if updated. Do it never notice though there is a person who comes to see at once when the blog is updated?Such a person is checking the update of the blog with a RSS reader.
Kind of RSS feeding
The method of delivering the update of the homepage It is called the RSS feeding. RSS is one of the feeding in the abbreviation that takes the initial of "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication". The language of RSS is based on XML of the text form, and there is a form named other Atom.
To the typical one of the RSS reader There are iGoogle, Google reader, My Yahoo, Bloglines, Livedoor reader, and goo RSS reader, etc.The kind of feeding the homepage side never worries because the RSS reader corresponds to all mostly feeding.
Feature and spread of RSS reader
There might have been a lot of either whether to check the site that had been registered in the favorite whether to retrieve in the index site and to visit a necessary page when we gathered information on the Internet.
As for the information gathering on the Internet, "RSS reader" is the very useful as means to make to efficiency one. The RSS feeding sent from the site is automatically acquired even if there are hundreds of registered websites when registering in the RSS reader beforehand. The speed is about ten seconds also in hundreds of sites. It is not a speed that man can do very much.
Original spread for update check of blog
The RSS reader has spread to the blog user little by little because it used the RSS feeding as a means that blogs of large majority inform them of updated information.
It came to use the RSS feeding also on a lot of news sites, a shopping sites, bulletin boards, and individual homepages besides the blog recently. Hereafter, do you come to be going to spread explosively though are seem to a lot of people who have not known yet either?
How to use of the RSS reader
When you set up the bookmark of the RSS feeding by the homepage and the blog
It displays like the mark and RSS is described. Moreover, to the place in the
address bar of a browser like Internet Explorer and Firefox, etc.
There might be a mark. This shows that the feeding delivery is done on the page.
When the one that is called this feeding mark is clicked, the registered information to the RSS reader is displayed with updated information on the page. The RSS feeding can be registered by feeling where the bookmark is registered to a favorite RSS reader by using this.
When feeding the homepage is registered in the RSS reader, updated information on the homepage is understood at once even if the homepage is not visited. It is possible to see promptly if updated. Do it never notice though there is a person who comes to see at once when the blog is updated?Such a person is checking the update of the blog with a RSS reader.
Kind of RSS reader
It is possible to classify it into two kinds "Web type" and "Application type" ..greatly.. though a lot of kinds have appeared on the market in the RSS reader.
Web type
"Web type" is the one (keeping to similar to the inspection of the homepage by a browser and use). It is possible to inspect it from not only home but also Net cafe and the company on the same screen because it accesses it from a browser. However, the personal computer that many and unspecified people like Net cafe use should note it because log in is necessary.
In "Web type", it is a feature that registration to the RSS reader is easy. The Google reader and My Yahoo become web types.
Application type
"Application type" is the one (the installation like the computer software and use). There is usually a fast, multifunctional feature to operate. It is possible to use it by downloading a free RSS reader with Madonomori and Vector.
As for "Application type", it is more general that registration to the RSS reader is cramped than "Web type". There is both the application type and the web type in the goo RSS reader.