What is the Helicobacter Pylori?
Helicobacter Pylori is very paid to attention as sick causes such as the atrophic gastritis, the stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcers, and stomach cancers. It was thought in the stomach to be an asepsis because of strong acid in the stomach so far. However, Helicobacter Pylori neutralizes an acid with the ammonia produced with the urea and can settle in the mucous membrane of the stomach.
What is the Helicobacter Pylori?
Helicobacter Pylori is a bacillus that lives in man's stomach. It means the spiral It means helico bacteria (bacillus) It consists of bacter. Pylori : the pylorus at the stomach exit It is named from pylorus.
Helicobacter Pylori was discovered by Dr. Robin Warren and Dr. Bury Marshall in Australia in 1983, and won Nobel prize by the distinguished services.
It is said that about 60 million people are infected Helicobacter Pylori in Japan. It is said that the person of Japanese 70-80% of 60 years old or more has been infected with this bacterium.
Proof pathogenic of Helicobacter Pylori
Dr. Marshall has his own experiments H. pylori was cultured drink. This resulted in the onset of acute gastritis. However, Dr. Marshall gastritis healed spontaneously, so after this, the full pathogenicity of H. pylori has not been proven.
Then, also, Arthur Morris of New Zealand medical researchers experimented with Helicobacter pylori drink yourself. As a result, not only the onset of acute gastritis, chronic gastritis was also found to proceed. From these things proved to be a cause of acute and chronic H. pylori gastritis.
Passage where Helicobacter Pylori settled in person's stomach
In Japan, before 1960, it was not very good health status. That was not well developed for drinking water supply. Flush toilets did not become popular. Manure was used for growing vegetables.
There seemed to be a lot of people that there is Helicobacter Pylori on the stomach, and be Helicobacter Pylori also in in the night soil and the well in such a hygienic condition. The nearly everyone of the person who had spent the childhood in such an environment seems to have been infected Helicobacter Pylori.
Moreover, Helicobacter Pylori's infection through which the oral infection from the person to the person also passed a lot of foods from parents to the child is the main. Thus, it is infected at infancy up to mostly three years old. After that, poor surroundings are too infected.
It doesn't usually become in the sickness even if it infects Helicobacter Pylori, and the person who doesn't have the influence as anything is healthy is the majority. However, the atrophic gastritis, the stomach ulcer, the duodenal ulcer, and the stomach cancer, etc. are serious for the person who got sick the situation.
Reason why Helicobacter Pylori can live in stomach with a lot of acid in the stomach
PH is 1-2 and the strong acid in the stomach. It is not an environment to be able to live in the living thing very much when usually thinking. However, this bacillus can change the urea in the stomach into ammonia and carbon dioxide by the enzyme of urease.
A suitable environment is made in the living by neutralizing acid in the stomach because this ammonia is alkalinity and making my environment a neutral. Helicobacter Pylori is a living thing that evolved well to live in acid in the stomach.
Reason why Helicobacter Pylori causes sickness
The enzyme of urease that Helicobacter Pylori puts out influences the organization of the stomach by it. Moreover, the mucous membrane of the stomach and the duodenum is damaged by Helicobacter Pylori, and my mucous membrane is violated with acid in the stomach. Additionally, Helicobacter Pylori has put out the material that influences various human bodies, and is causing the ulcer and cancer in the stomach and the duodenum.
Factor to cause stomach cancer with Helicobacter Pylori
There seem to not be so many things that cause the stomach cancer only by Helicobacter Pylori. The risk of getting a stomach cancer when other factors come in succession with Helicobacter Pylori increases. The three kinds of factors exist about the intake of "Smoking", "High levels of sugar", and "Salinity" too much.
As for the risk of getting a stomach cancer compared with the person who also has nothing when Helicobacter Pylori and "Smoking" come in succession, the risk of getting a stomach cancer when four times, Helicobacter Pylori, and "Salinity" come in succession in the risk of getting a stomach cancer when 11 times, Helicobacter Pylori, and "High levels of sugar" come in succession seems to triple.
Alcohol seemed to be so unrelated in broadcasting though it was thought that alcohol (sake) was also related to cancer. (It does for January 27, 2010 NHK and depend on [gatten]. )
The main sickness that it causes Helicobacter Pylori
Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer
The person of about 90 percent or more of the person who has gotten sick is Helicobacter Pylori's germ carrier as for the stomach ulcer and the duodenal ulcer. It is usual to repeat the relapse even if a past ulcer is treated. That's right in case of me. The doctor told it to take the medicine through life.
However, the rate of recurrence of the ulcer decreases extremely when it goes well by the bacteria elimination (several percent or less). The duodenal ulcer has recovered completely for me. It seems that this comes for the wound of the stomach and the duodenum to improve, and for Helicobacter Pylori not to settle easily. It seems that there is no worry of the secondary tuberculosis if it is continued for a long time that the mucous membrane is good.
Stomach cancer
It is a feature in the Japanese that there are especially a lot of stomach cancers. WHO recognizes the carcinogen Helicobacter Pylori. Helicobacter Pylori's bacteria elimination has been proven to be becoming of the incidence of the stomach cancer about 1/3 by the bacteria elimination, and a very effective against the stomach cancer.
Atrophic gastritis
As for the atrophic gastritis, the main cause is Helicobacter Pylori infection. It first becomes an acute gastritis because of Helicobacter Pylori, and, next, it progresses to the atrophic gastritis. Various elements like not only the Helicobacter Pylori infection but also the excess ingestion etc. of alcohol, the cigarette, and salinity are related to the cause of gastritis.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Treating the except bacterium in Helicobacter Pylori's infected person is larger the effect of preventing other sicknesses, and it ..except bacterium [shi].. is said should though the gastroesophageal reflux disease is said that it might make it badly by Helicobacter Pylori's bacteria elimination.
Sickness such as other stomachs
Helicobacter Pylori's infected person also has information of obtaining the result your should would being better to treat the except bacterium about the stomach polyp, the iron deficiency anemia, the chronic urticaria, and other sicknesses. There is a possibility of increasing in the future, too.